Membership of the umbrella union consists of the following categories: Women in Agriculture Organizations/ Women Farmers Organizations National farmer organizations with a women's wing Multi-Sector organizations with a sector interest in agriculture Apply Online *Title Miss Ms Mrs Name(s) :*SurnameNationalityDate of Birth*ID DetailsResidential Address*Cell Number (s)E-mailOther ContactsSOCIAL LINKSFacebookLinkedinInstagramTwitterOtherFARM DETAILSFarm LocationWardDistrictProvinceSize of LandFARMING CATEGORY DETAILSTick COMMERCIAL COMMUNAL BACKYARD OTHER If you selected other, please SpecifyAGRICULTURAL LAND OWNERSHIP DETAILS(tick applicable) OWN RENTING SPOUSE'S FAMILY INHERITANCE COMMUNAL/VILLAGE OTHER If you selected Other, Please SpecifyFARMING SECTOR(tick applicable) Aquaculture Horticulture Floriculture Apiculture Viticulture Hydroponics Herbs Small Grains Animal husbandry OTHER (Specify) If you selected Other, Please SpecifyOutput Per YearFARMER ORGANIZATION AFFILIATION DETAILSI. NATIONAL FARMER ORGANIZATION MEMBERZimbabwe Farmers Union (ZFU) tick Gender desk leaderZimbabwe Commercial Farmers Union (CFU) Gender desk leader- II. WOMEN'S FARMING ASSOCIATION NameContact/Chairperson- III. COMMUNITY COOPERATIVE GROUP NameContact / Chairperson- IV. MARKET GARDENING CLUB NameContact/ Chairperson- V. SACCO/MUKANDO GROUP NameContact / Chairperson- VI. OTHER Specify if other affiliationNameContact / ChairpersonBIOGRAPHY AND AREA OF EXPERTISE(describe yourself and your farming experience in short)DISCLAIMERI certify that the information given in support of this application is true and correct and in the event of any information proven to be inaccurate, the union reserves the right to decline this application without giving reasons thereof.*Attach Passport Sized PhotoAttach any other Supporting Docs Fields with (*) are compulsory.